Friday, March 7, 2008

Naomi Achu, Nadia Galega and Ms.Malaika: African Beauties.

Africa is beautiful as reflects in its people, food and culture. Here we were showcasing the beauty and culture of Africa through fashion Design, by noted Cameroonian Designer "Euphrasie", for more info on her, contact me.
Pictured from L to R: Naomi Achu, Nadia Galega and Ms. Malaika. I love my Africa.


Azah Nadia said...

Absolutely stunning... I love the culture, heritage and everything it stands for!
"... In truth we excel, yet blinded by self doubt!"
Ms Nadia!

Anonymous said...

Malaika... I have to tell you that I am so proud of you and how amazingly graceful you carry yourself. You are truly an epitome of Afican beauty and your eloquent sisters share that same amicable quality that you possess. I am very impressed. You are blessed and the world of entertainment will surely see a new star in the near future. Keep your dreams alive. Someday, you will be some other little girl's inspiration and role model just as Michael was yours. Can I hear an Amen? Amen! Wish you the best, Mabih xox

Anonymous said...

Nadia i hope u stopped the stripper career u started it doesnt tell well of u